Updated: Save The Date!
Here’s your opportunity to spend 6 days in the company of other activists, artists, visionaries, changemakers and leaders working on the front lines of environmental and social change.
6 days to slow down, reconnect, re-inspire and nurture yourself within 600 beautiful acres of northern California hills.
6 days to immerse yourself in the leadership capacities most needed during this age of rapid growth and complexity, skills like building relationships across difference, storytelling, awareness practice and dialogue, and connection to place.
For over 10 years, the Center for Whole Communities has been equipping individuals and organizations with the creativity, courage, and resilience needed to address some of the greatest challenges facing our planet.
Cultural transition isn’t always easy but it can be fun! Join us in a rich exploration geared at expanding our horizons while also centering wellness.
I am really grateful for the depth and quality of the people I got to meet and spend time with on the retreat. I learned from each of them – from the ways they work in the world, and the ways they shared themselves and their experience. The place was really powerful for me. The land felt like a huge part of the retreat, almost another participant/being in the dialogue and the space… Being able to appreciate the land, sky, outdoor kitchen, coffee among these great folks, but in silence was a great experience for me, and starting each day with yoga practice was grounding and wonderful.
2015 Whole Thinking Retreat Participant
Stay tuned for more information.