We are a collective of skilled, loving and fierce facilitators, with decades of experience doing transformative leadership development and system change work. We come from diverse backgrounds and represent multiple movements, practicing together towards the just and vibrant future we know is possible.
The Collective
Faculty Trainers & Program Partners
Board of Directors
Faculty Affiliates
- Adrienne Maree Brown
- Anushka Fernandopulle
- Steve Glazer
- Toby Herzlich
- Wendy Johnson
- Stephanie Kaza
- Matt Kolan
- Melissa Nelson
- Enrique Salmon
- Santikaro
- Mistinguette Smith
- Kaylynn Two Trees
- Peter Forbes & Helen Whybrow
Ancestral Board Members
The Ancestral Board is composed of former board members and faculty with the purpose of lending wisdom, support, and institutional knowledge to the current board and faculty as desired, needed, and requested.
- Carolyn Finney
- Kesha Ram
Faculty Emeriti
Our work has been informed and deepened by many teachers and facilitators over the years, and we have been honored to have them serve on our faculty and contribute to our learning. We are deeply grateful.
- Marge Bruchac
- Scott Chaskey
- Roberto Chené
- Johari Cole
- Mark Coleman
- Mike Connelly
- Gloria Flora
- John Francis
- Cynthia Jurs
- Bill McKibben
- Curt Meine
- Carolyn Raffensperger
- Scott Russell Sanders
- Deborah Schoenbaum
- Doreen Schweizer
- Larry Yang
Art by Alixa Garcia