“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” —Rumi ....CWC's thoughtful, deeply inquiring and compassionate approach to facilitating change is a model that can be helpful in solving problems in all kinds of communities. Kris Butler Bookkeeper ....I’m constantly being challenged and challenging others to see our interconnectedness. My goal is always to bring history into the present and demonstrate the ways in which... “of all our studies, history is in the best position to reward our research.” Delma Jackson III Senior Fellow The processes and practices CWC grows alongside land and community are so needed in our daily collective efforts to live into the world we need and deeply desire. Deep love and gratitude for offering us more ways to show up to our own lives and with each other. Tannia Esparza Board Member, Whole Communities Fellow I’m committed to listening for community stories that acknowledge and work creatively with difference, tension, and grief in ways that are generative, restorative, and life-affirming.... Mohamad A. Chakaki Faculty Trainer I love how the work of CWC calls upon us to bring our full selves to one another; to embrace creativity as a means to connect, seek truth, and play; and encourages us to follow the lead of the natural world - always open to transformation. Richarda Ericson Senior Fellow At its heart, the work of CWC... is the work of healing. Healing from the impacts of our extractive economy and supremacy culture require practices that help us to love ourselves... AND community to create and support new possibilities with. Kavitha Rao Senior Fellow and Board Chair I am drawn to Whole Communities work because it.... centers an unwavering commitment to holding and facilitating courageous spaces that call us to the core of ourselves with undeniable skill, care, and vulnerability. Samara Gaev Senior Fellow Through this work, I can practice into the world I believe is possible, where all beings are protected from harm and we are collectively healing the wrongs of the past, remembering and following original codes of reverence, reciprocity, repair and right relationship. Kristin Rothballer Senior Fellow I believe that the deepest transformation (in our selves and in the world) comes... through understanding brought on by honest engagement, patience, courage, love, and genuine interest—all qualities I see at the heart of the work of CWC. Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey Faculty Trainer Our ability to be aware of ourselves, our past, is a gift to the present moment. CWC’s work helps us stay present with each other: to fall down, get up, learn, grow and begin again. Ginny McGinn Senior Strategist I continue to be impressed by CWC's commitment to justice, people and earth, and excited by their practices of truth-telling, relationship building and care. Leigh Robbie Gaymon-Jones Board Member CWC amplifies the voices of those who labor for justice and for joy. I learn each day from this team's commitment to transformative action and right relationship..... Susannah McCandless Special Projects I’ve come to believe that the most essential part of change work is cultivating human connection first and foremost.... to create the conditions for the creativity, trust and partnership that will allow us to manifest the world we want. Julian Mocine-McQueen Senior Fellow With heart, soul, and substance, CWC is making fundamental culture shifts within our movements, organizations, and institutions so necessary to our capacity to thrive on this planet. Rosa Gonzalez Board member, Whole Communities Fellow ....In a moment ripe for change, our world relies on the values and work driven at CWC. Grounded in land and planet, connected to diverse wisdoms and moving towards justice through leadership, CWC is the best way forward for me. Patrick Brown Board Member CORE PRACTICES HOW WE WORK MEET OUR TEAM JOIN OUR TEAM Our Offerings: Co-creating Whole Measures Facilitating Organizational Change Retreats & Trainings Virtual Community Series Transformative Leadership We envision a future where movements for racial, social and environmental justice are rooted in relationship, reciprocity, authenticity and beauty. Practice with us. Whole Measures for Urban Conservation November 8, 2020 Resources Connecting People to Power: Community Engagement Pilot Report June 16, 2023 Resources The Practice of Equitable Conservation in Cities June 16, 2023 Resources How Darkness Can Dance December 19, 2024 blog