Offering in-person retreats and trainings has been central to Center for Whole Communities since the beginning. We love hosting people in transformative work in beautiful places over multiple days. While the Covid context has made this impossible for now, we have adapted our methodologies as best we can over Zoom, continuing to collaborate with people in new ways. And, we long for the days when we can once again gather with people in person.
For a sense of our retreat-based work, we welcome you to learn about our most recent Whole Communities Fellowship, which ran from 2019-2020. The Fellowship convened a cohort of community leaders and organizers whose work lives at the intersections of Justice and Environment – Land and People. Over 12 months, we gathered twice in person (at the Watershed Center in Millerton, NY and Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM). We offered individual coaching and monthly virtual practice spaces, along with sustained support for self-directed projects. You can find a more detailed report on the fellowship here.
The fellowship served leaders who:
- Are seeking to transform the world by dismantling the systems that perpetuate injustice.
- Yearn to connect with land and cultivate practice-based approaches to transformative change work.
- Believe that our shared work for justice and the environment requires inner change as well as outward change.
- Welcome being part of a diverse, multi-sector, multiracial cohort
- See themselves as active learners and seek to be in a learning community
- See themselves as change agents working with large and small organizations, and/or working directly with communities.
- Can commit to devoting the necessary time to be fully engaged in the fellowship
Learn about our 2019-2020 Fellows below:
Art by Alixa Garcia