The success of an intervention depends upon the interior condition of the intervener.
— Bill O’Brien
We understand that the problems facing our planet and its people are inextricably interwoven and our movements must reflect that reality and encourage cross collaboration and partnership.
CWC’s leadership practices and frameworks build capacity at the individual, organizational, and community level to deepen awareness, embrace differences, and value relationships, making change possible.
The leadership skills we need to bring about a more just future are not always the skills that are valued in dominant culture. We take a practice-based approach that recognizes that we each have a role to play in shifting culture, and sharing power.
Our methodology has grown out of more than a decade of retreat-based fellowship work, and more recently a year-long Whole Communities Fellowship program that supported frontline leaders from across the country. Through online coaching, and zoom dialogue and learning space, we weave connections and capacity across sector, region and identity.
Today we support leaders in navigating the often competing demands of accomplishing time sensitive project work, with the time and space needed to work in more equitable ways. Understanding how to value the practical and transactional work alongside a community oriented and relational approach is central to the leadership we need today. Building the capacity to balance the urgent needs here and now with long term culture change efforts is a focus of the leadership development work we do at CWC.
We have adapted our Whole Measures Framework to support leaders through a formative assessment process to identify their guiding values and leadership goals. Using the lenses of Self, Systems and Solidarity – one can develop goals for leadership development that focus on our personal capacity, and our contribution to our communities.
We bring these approaches to our organizational and community engagements, and through fellowship programs, retreats, trainings, and coaching. Our Whole Measures approach also provides deep practice with leading processes that prioritize human health and well-being and equitable outcomes.
Art by Alixa Garcia