Lead contributor Delma Jackson and a host of other voices from the CWC team invite us into a space where the past meets the present and informs the future—a space of self-reflection, personal accountability, history, futurism, and our ever-evolving ideas of community, solidarity, and justice.
Rupture and Repair: Country, Family, Self
As Above, So Below: Building Black/Indigenous Solidarity from the Inside Out
Time to recommit to practice: Fall yoga and qigong
In Ayurvedic wisdom fall and early winter are considered Vata season in the Northern Hemisphere. Vata is the subtle energy associated with movement and change— composed of ether and air. In balance, vata promotes creativity and flexibility. Out of balance,…
Somewhere Between Lenape and Wakanda: Reservations, Reparations, & Afro-Indigenous Futurism.
All Black Lives? Do You Really Want Justice or Just “Next?”
It’s freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody.
—Malcolm X, Human Rights Advocate
Cut the Check or Count Me Out: “Good Whites,” Diversity Diversions & A New Look at an Old Idea
But to be honest, I’m not even talking to you right now. This is for all my dangerous white liberals. I’m watching Atatiana Jefferson get gunned down in her own home by a police officer who was supposed to be…
You Are What You Read…Pandemics, Media Literacy & Self-Care
Love in a time of Corona
Through the Looking Glass: Reflections on Reflecting During Covid-19
I’ll Tell You Mine, If You Tell Me Yours
Art by Alixa Garcia